How To Use Self Hypnosis For Self Improvement

May 23, 2024

Self hypnosis is great as a tool for self improvement. When you learn self hypnosis, you may end up surprised at how easy it is to master, and at the same time it makes so many things so much easier.


Most people connect self hypnosis with listening to an audio file that is made for a specific subject such as stop smoking, loose weight etc. etc.And I admit there is a lot of that floating around out there, but even thoug to it may do the job in a lot of cases, this kind of self hypnosis for self improvement is made in ways that may not be best for every single individual.

To take an example, if you have a phobia and the self hypnosis mp3 or whatever it is, talks you towards what you fear, it could be an elevator ride to bring you down, it will end up not being able to create the needed relaxation, because you will be on edge just by the elevator being mentioned.

So how do you use hypnosis or self hypnosis for self improvement?

To achieve any kind of self improvement the self hypnosis session you go through, should address and eliminate the negatives connected with what you want to achieve, and preferably create positives instead.


So to get the best kind of self hypnosis it should be designed individually for every person to benefit most from it.In fact you would be best of if you created the session yourself.

That way you would have a self hypnosis session created exactly around the issues you wish to change, or self improve if you like, designed around the exact phrases that have meaning to you.

So to sum it up, you need to do self hypnosis on your own, in order to really accomplish lasting changes in your life.

Below here is a short overview of how you create and execute a self hypnosis session:

1. Create a list of goals ordered from the most important to the lesser important goals, and make sure to phrase goals that are measurable.