Romatic Rendez-Vous Or Reconnoiter?

July 28, 2024

By Theolonius McTavish, currently a ribald roving reporter (with an abiding interest in arcane topics like curiosis, odd, if not downright postively playful placenames), and a part-time errant carpet knight (left-over from a previous lifetime)

Valentine’s Day is rolling around again. What would February 14th be without all
those wretched little red, cinnamon-flavored candy hearts and calorie-laden chocolate candy kisses.

Well, if you’re not into “sweet nothings”, maybe a “hot” vacation might do the trick. If so, you’ve got plenty to choose from in North America.

For the benefit of mapless folk North America includes the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and that cold comfort country (on the other side of the 49th parallel, just a tad due south of Santa’s hangout at the North Pole — an off-the-beaten track place) called, “Canada”.

A quick peek at any road atlas or an on-line atlas (see below) will whet your appetite for a sizzling “Voluptuous Vixen” and “Rudolph Valentino” rendez-vous away from the madding crowds.

Let’s see, my list of romantic reconnoitering spots includes these humdingers.

They may look a tad over-the-top, but I’ll have you know these little gems actually exist.